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A Conversation With Circles' founder: Enric Solé

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

The four pillars of the and the inspiration behind the project.

When I got to I had a talk with Enric Sole, Co-founder of Circles, CEO, entrepreneur (successfully founded and sold having to move to Silicon Valley) and experienced digital nomad. We spoke about what the "BEHIND THE SCENES" process of creating Circles was like.

How did the dream of building Circles begin? After our discussion, I was able to immediately notice four major pillars that marked not only Enric, but an entire generation.

1. Hacker houses.

It was a tech hippie movement that started years ago in Silicon Valley. Driven by a generation of young technologists, with the vast majority being startup accelerators. A culture that promised to be far beyond the simple fact of sharing a house. In a hacker house, people with extensive technological knowledge, business ideas and similar interests come together, in return, finding an intellectual stimulus.

2. Home away from home.

When most people picture coliving for startups, they imagine a hacker house akin to a scene from Silicon Valley. Well, in a way, it is. As Enric said, "a Coliving has to be a home away from home, designed with both creativity and productivity in mind. A place where you can work, get inspired, connect, relax and replace that traditional way of a workspace with a flexible environment."

3. Traveling is about the people you meet.

The people you meet and cross paths with while traveling often play a huge role in your life and may even contribute to our lives in crucial ways. This is another reason Enric truly believes in the vision of Circles functions as a place where people from all around the world can cross paths and help one another grow and succeed. Also I also feel this on a personal level. When I decided to go out into the world and travel, I saw many different perspectives and got inspiration to find the path to my dreams. Each of the places and people I connected with were part of that construction. At the time, I didn't understand it, but as time passed, everything made more sense to me. And now here I am, as a content writer and travel advisor, thanks to myself and those people.

4. Community as a core value.

One of the reasons why Enric created was because he realized that he had spent 10 years of his life traveling as an entrepreneur, living alone in hotels or apartments and missing out on the possibilities for growth and connections. Enric believes that the community is one of the most beneficial aspects of Circles and wants other digital entrepreneurs to have the option to create meaningful connections with one another. "Now, my goal is to give that opportunity to others," Enric told me, ending our conversation.

"The idea is to provide a soft-landing and instant community that is plug & play when it comes to working and being productive, as well as having a social life and big plans!"



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